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Home Essentials & Beyond Utensil Crock, Ivory Ceramic Rooster Utensil Holder Vintage for Kitchen Counter Top.
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Home Essentials & Beyond Utensil Crock, Ivory Ceramic Rooster Utensil Holder Vintage for Kitchen Counter Top.

Product ID: 54579874
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At Home Essentials & Beyond Vintage Farmhouse Utensil Holder, Large enough for your Cooking Utensils. we put your happiness and satisfaction first. That is why we only employ top-quality materials and unique crafting techniques that result in premium products that check the highest standards. Our classic vintage Utensil Crock Holder is a beautiful mix of practicality and style. They are made entirely out of ceramic it is known for its durability and strength. Why is this product for you?This elegant, classy, and super practical utensil holder uses for kitchen countertop stylishly holding together your utensils and giving the fashoined look. Impress your friends with a unique Kitchen item. The holder is non-toxic and are BPA free. Some of the amazing features of this product:Helping modernize your kitchen countertop and cabinets;Made entirely pout of top grade material, brings more health to your life;Easy to clean, just use a wet cloth and a bit of soap to clean it;Smooth finish;Durable and resistant;Takes up minimal space, holding together your utensils in a fashioned manner;Refined and farmhouse and vintage design;Practical and versatile;Free of chemicals, toxins, or dyes;Beautiful housewarming present for family and friends. Add a special element to your home with the Home Essentials & Beyond Utensil Crock!

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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