Product Features: Lockable Caster Wheels -- The brake can stop the wheel moving and the top plate swiveling simultaneously. -- With brake, effective to stop and fix the device and prevent it moving to hurt others. 360 Degree Swivel and Roll Smoothly -- Very convenient to transform to any directions, and spend little strength to move on. Quiet Rubber Basement Wheels -- Don't worry to disturb others when moving the mating equipment. -- There is no mark when moving, and no hurt to your floor board. Widely Use -- Perfect using at home, office, or for industrial devices. -- Such as coffee table, plant stand, bookshelves, shoe rack, toy bins, bed-side storage, shopping carts, workbench, trailer, goods shelf, and so on. Product Parameters: Bracket Material: High Quality Steel Wheel Material: PVC Rubber Wheel Diameter: about 5 inch Wheel Width: about 1.22 inch Total Height: about 6.1 inch Top Plate Size: about 2.55 x 3.74 inch Load Capacity: about 1800lbs Package Content: 4 x Casters 16 x Screws Notice: 1.Please allow slight measurement deviation for the data. 2.Please feel free to contact us if you have any hesitation about the product, we will do our best to resolve your questions. Thanks in advance.
4 days ago
2 weeks ago